Saturday 6 September 2014

Concept Board

Friday was spent researching and working on our concept boards.

Gathering all the imagery I collected together, I started to think more about the titles and where my images were leading. I found for the title ATTACHMENT the images were leading towards the route of physical attachment while for STRUCTURE they were going towards the idea of close up structures.

For creating the concept boards we did an exercise where we initially had 5 minutes to create a layout before we then swapped around so others could rearrange our boards. We photographed them between each change. I found this exercise really helpful as it opened my eyes to different ways that the images could work together which I hadn’t thought of as well as making me realise what else I felt the board needed. From this I felt that working with attachment that I needed some more imagery of different sizes as well as possibly changing to a greyscale from some of the brighter colours which I felt didn’t really work together. I felt my structure board was coming together better, it had a more promising range of imagery and the colours and images blended together more smoothly. 

Once home I carried on moving the images round and gathering more imagery where needed until I created a layout I was happier with. I believe to move forward now, I need to use these initial concept boards to research further into colour and start to pick specific areas where I can start to find shapes and ideas which may be able to influence designs in the next week. I’m initially finding the rawness and industrial feel in many of the images most interesting as well as the combination of materials and textures and how they are appearing together. These are things I will continue exploring further in my sketchbook from this point.

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