Sunday 19 October 2014

Concept Development Week

This week we spent organising our own time, we are coming to the end of the project so starting to create final outcomes realising our research. I did find it difficult at the beginning of the week to sort my ideas. I had a lot of designs in my sketchbook and wasn't quiet sure which direction to take my final piece in. I knew I wanted to create something using the ideas I had researched about boro as well as incorporating my attachment ideas of harnesses and restriction. 

Becca told us to start working on the stands draping calico. It surprised me how helpful this was in creating shapes as the shapes were much more interesting and free than what I could just draw in my sketchbook. From this I found a shape that I wanted to create into a jacket (design below). 

I then started to decide the details of the jacket such as the surface decoration and fabrics. I decided to incorporate the ‘boro’ look I want to use four different materials so the jacket is in panels of shades of grey and that I want to incorporate leather belt straps in like an abstract harness.

To move forward now I need to create the draped jacket into a pattern which I can use to make the final garment. 

(All Images: Authors own 19/10/14)

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