Friday 27 February 2015

Pick and Mix- Week 2

TUESDAY- Today I started to do quick drawn designs developing from last week thinking about incorporating different shapes together to create a more interesting structure which could be incorporated into a garment. I have found this quite difficult today drawing the structures as it is hard to imagine how they would actually work on the figure. To help this I am going to put my favourite shapes from Frank Stella's work on the stand to experiment further and help with my designs.

WEDNESDAY- Last night I started to experiment on the stand using shapes. This was much more helpful than the flat drawings I had been doing and started to help me imagine more what my final design will be like. Today I also started to think more about fabrics and colours. The colours I want to use are the three primary colours as they are a bold combination. For fabrics I wanted to incorporate my word of plastics so I started looking at PVC's and also foam for my surface decoration. I started looking at coloured PVC's but I didn't like the colours and they didn't have much of a contrast to the foam so I decided to try using clear PVC as it was more rigid so I could manipulate it.

THURSDAY- Today I started working towards my final garment. From my designs I chose a sixties style dress so it was a more simple base for the surface structure. I wanted to create quite a simple structure so it had a clean look and because you can see all the construction inside. I am quite pleased how it turned out, it is quite different to anything I have made before. I did struggle a little with using the fabric as it didn't always stitch well so they were loose at times and because it marked with the needle so only had one chance at stitching it. This mainly worked out fine but I think practicing with the material and different tensions a bit more may have helped with some parts of the garment.

If I were to repeat this project I think I would research some of my other words more thoroughly. I mainly focused on Frank Stella but I think if I had more roundly researched I would have had more inspiration for the project and more ideas to work with. I also struggled with designing in this project and I think this would have helped me to do design more.

(Stand work, Authors Own, 26/02/15)

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