Thursday 12 February 2015

Detail- Week 3

TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY- I used my research and initial design collages to develop my ideas towards my final line up. I used my collages which had the details I liked most on and did quick sketches incorporating the detail but which were more garment like than the collages. I tried to exhaust each idea, drawing ideas quickly so I didn't get caught up with the drawing just trying to generate many ideas. I also incorporated more flats to practice my technical drawings as this is something I haven't included in previous projects. I think these quick sketches worked well, they enabled me to get down ideas quickly and meant I had more to work with when creating my final six looks. I also think I managed to use more colour which is something I have been trying to improve.

THURSDAY- I drew and worked out my final six looks today using all my initial sketches to pick the looks and details I liked best before working out specifics on the stand and creating flats to understand construction. I am pleased with the colouring of my final six looks, I thought more clearly about colour and how it runs through the clothing and links with my theme of Victorian mourning. I had also been trying to think more about fabrication which I have been trying to improve, I have been thinking more about the combinations of fabrics, wools with matte silks, to get the essence of the Victorian era through but in a more modern way.
What I think I can improve on now is more stand work, I used a small amount in this project but I think I could have developed this more which could have meant I ended up with a more conceptual and maybe more extravagant outcome, this is something I will try and work on more in the next project.

(Line Up, Authors Own, 12/2/15)

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